Consumer Activity Cycle

You want to optimize  customer processes and experiences. You want to know where customer contact improvements (touchpoints) are possible and achieve an optimal customer experience across all channels. With our Customer Activity Cycle model it becomes more insightful for organizations in getting (more) successful.  

The Customer Activity Cycle is a circle that represents the entire customer journey before, during and after the purchase. You get the complete sum of experiences that customers go through when interacting with your company and brand. Instead of looking at just a part of a transaction or experience, the customer journey documents the full experience of being a customer.

With face to face and in home research we follow the customer before, during and after the purchase. The results are discussed with the client and through discussions we look at the possibilities that can be changed. Quantitative research quantifies the results of qualitative research and makes it clear to what extent the proposed changes lead to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

For more information please contact us

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Align yourself with high potential target groups

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